Admissions to Warren School are made through the Local Authority. A referral process is undertaken termly for all learners living in Suffolk. For learners who move into the area a referral is made upon proof of residence.
Admissions may take place at any time during the year if places are available. We encourage prospective parents to visit the school by appointment. Once a place has been offered we will discuss "taster" visits for your child.
The Local Authority places learners in schools following discussion and advice from professionals such as Advisory Teachers, Educational Psychologists, Paediatricians, Health Visitors and GP's.
If it is felt that a learner needs specialist provision an Education Health & care Plan (EHCP) is drafted by Family Services taking into account all relevant professional reports and the views of parents.
Further details are available from school or from the Family Services Team:
Warren School, Clarkes Lane, Outlon Broad, Lowestoft, NR33 8HT, Tel: 01502 561893 Email:
Family Services, Riverside, 4 Canning Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0EQ, Tel: 01502 674780 Email:
Accessibility Plan