The curriculum at Warren School is being developed to ensure that all children have the opportunity to develop their skills during their time at school.
This work is being supported by other specialist providers and colleagues within the Consortium Trust.
Further information will be published as the curriculum is confirmed. There is close reference to the pupil's EHCP, their personal learning plans, their behaviour plans and their level of independence. All aspects can be discussed with class teachers at various points throughout the year, and by appointment if outside of the usual cycle of review and consultation.
Warren School provides Post-16 provision and the curriculum developments are being aligned to the OCR accreditation criteria. The modules and content will be published in due course.
The school has adopted Jolly Phonics as a whole school approach. Staff have undertaken Jolly Phonics training and this is embedded within our daily timetable.
There are a number of opportunities for pupils to experience learning outside of the classroom, some of this is using the facilities within the school; other opportunities are within the community. The school has developed strong links with the Waveney Gymnastics Club in Lowestoft and the Pakefield Riding School where pupils are accessing the RDA provision and accreditation where appropriate and applicable.
Other educational visits are also provided and are clearly linked with the curriculum offer and learning opportunities. These increase independent living skills as well as strengthen links with the community in which we live.
Please continue to visit this page as we develop and publish the curriculum documents.